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- 1 Welcome to Zeonica
- 2 You have arrived at a village
- 3 How to Farm
- 3.1 Hilling
- 3.2 Watering
- 3.3 Seeding
- 3.4 Harvesting
- 4 I have earned 500 Denar, now what?
Welcome to Zeonica[]
You have just arrived and talked to Godric, the man who employed you previously. Godrick tasks you to go to a nearby village and earn 500 Denars from farming. Be careful on your way there, as you have no weapons yet and could easily die.
You have arrived at a village[]
Search and find the Village Headman located within the village, and ask to work in the fields. Once you receive work from the Headman, walk east - towards the farm and find a toolshed. Nearby you will find various tools to use to work the fields.
How to Farm[]
Farming is your first task you need to accomplish to earn some Denars, this will help get you started on your journey in Bannerlord Online. Hilling, Watering, Planting, and Harvesting are all a part of farming and in this article we will explain each process. Each task you complete will award you with Denar when you finish farming. Be sure to talk to the Headmaster before you leave the village, or you will lose any hard work you have accomplished.
Note: The crop must be harvested and passed in before you are paid for the work you've contributed.
If at any time you need to drop your current tool, Press G.
- Locate the nearby tool shed, and find the Hoe, Pick it up by pressing F.
- Walk to a nearby field and look down, with the hoe equipped and Press F to till the Soil
- Once the soil is tilled, it is ready to be watered. You can keep making more hills, or move to the next task.
- Locate the nearby tool shed, and find the Watering Jug, Pick it up by pressing F.
- Search for the nearby river. Once you have found it, go to it and you can fill the Jug with water by looking at it and using the F key.
- Bring the water back to the nearby field and search for some Hills, or Wheat. You can water these by simply looking at them and Pressing F.
Watering Jugs have 6 uses each time you fill it, and will need to be refilled when empty.
- Locate the nearby Cart, between the two fields. Pick up a seedbag by looking at the cart and pressing F.
- Walk to a nearby field, and search for Hills that have already been watered. You can look at them and plant seeds by Pressing the F key.
After a seed has been planted, momentarily later you will see Wheat appear. This seed will be ready for watering again, and once it has been watered, will be ready to be harvested after some time has passed.
- Locate the nearby toolshed, you will see a pair of clippers on a table. Pick them up by pressing F.
- Walk to the nearby field, and search for Wheat that is ready to harvest. Wheat that is ready to harvest will be yellow in color. Look at it and press F to harvest.
- Each time you harvest, you will add wheat to the basket on your back - When that basket is full you will have to return to the toolshed where you can deposit your hard work.
I have earned 500 Denar, now what?[]
After you have earned 500 denars from working on the farm, return back to Zeonica and enter the Tavern to speak to Godrick. He will congratulate you and give you an additional 1500 Denars for completing the quest. With this money, he want's you to head into town and find a trader, who you will then buy a weapon, a tier 2 helmet, and a tier 3 Chest Piece from.
Return to Godric once you have completed these tasks, where he will then ask you to go around the town and recuit some AI into your party. Each recruit costs 80 denars to hire, so be sure to have some extra denars available.
After you have recruited enough AI, he will then task you to meet him at a nearby Bandit hideout, where you will have to talk to him and join im in battle.
Be sure to loot the stuff from the battle, as that gives you a very good head start, and chest armor that you should use while the game is in its current state.
Return to Zeonica and meet Godric in the Tavern, where he will then give you 2000 denars and that will be the completion of the Bannerlord Online tutorial.
Credit *( some text used from Traze#7758's Tutorial )*